Referencia rapida de HLSL
Tipos de datos básicos, vectores y matrices
int a = 0;
float time = 0.0f;
float4 pos = float4(0,0,2,1);
pos.x // = 0
pos.z // = 2
float2 temp = pos.yw // = float2(0,1)
pos.rgb // = float3(0,0,2)
pos.rgba // = float4(0,0,2,1)
pos.aaaa // = float4(1,1,1,1)
float2x2 fMatrix = {
0.0f, 0.1, // row 1
2.1f, 2.2f // row 2
float4x4 mWorldViewProj; // Matriz de 4 x 4
float4x4 worldMatrix = float4( {0,0,0,0}, {1,1,1,1}, {2,2,2,2}, {3,3,3,3} );
worldMatrix[0][0]; // 1er elemento
Ejemplo de Vertex Shader y estructura de vértice
struct VS_OUTPUT
float4 Position: POSITION; // vertex position
float4 Diffuse : COLOR0; // vertex diffuse color
VS_OUTPUT Vertex_Shader_Transform(
in float4 vPosition : POSITION,
in float4 vColor : COLOR0)
Output.Position = mul(vPosition, mWorldViewProj);
Output.Diffuse = vColor;
return Output;
Ejemplo de Pixel shader
float4 Pixel_Shader(VS_OUTPUT in) : COLOR0
float4 color = in.Color;
return color;
Semanticas Vertex shaders
struct VS_OUTPUT
float4 Position : POSITION;
float3 Diffuse : COLOR0;
float3 Specular : COLOR1;
float3 HalfVector : TEXCOORD3;
float3 Fresnel : TEXCOORD2;
float3 Reflection : TEXCOORD0;
float3 NoiseCoord : TEXCOORD1;
Inicializacion de samplers
sampler s = sampler_state
texture = NULL;
mipfilter = LINEAR;
Texture lookup
texture tex0;
sampler2D s_2D;
float2 sample_2D(float2 tex : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR
return tex2D(s_2D, tex);
Textura cúbica
texture tex0;
samplerCUBE s_CUBE;
float3 sample_CUBE(float3 tex : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR
return texCUBE(s_CUBE, tex);
Funciones intrínsecas HLSL
abs(value a) // absolute value (per component).
acos(x) // arccosine of each component of x.
atan(x) // arctangent of x.
atan2(y, x) // arctangent of y/x.
ceil(x) // smallest integer which is greater than or equal to x.
clamp(x, min, max) // Clamps x to the range [min, max].
cos(x) // cosine of x.
cross(a, b) // cross product of two 3D vectors a and b.
distance(a, b) // distance between two points, a and b.
dot(a, b) // dot product of two vectors, a and b.
floor(x) // greatest integer which is less than or equal to x.
fmod(a, b) // floating point remainder f of a / b
frac(x) // fractional part f of x
length(v) // length of the vector v.
lerp(a, b, s) // Returns a + s(b - a)
log(x) // base-e logarithm of x.
mul(a, b) // Performs matrix multiplication between a and b.
pow(x, y) // x^y.
reflect(i, n) // Returns the reflection vector
refract(i, n, R) // Returns the refraction vector v
round(x ) // Rounds x to the nearest integer
saturate(x) // Clamps x to the range [0, 1]
sign(x) // Computes the sign of x.
sin(x) // sine of x
tan(x) // tangent of x
tex2D(s, t) // 2D texture lookup.
tex2Dlod(s, t) // 2D texture lookup with LOD.
transpose(m) // transpose of the matrix m.